Fandrian Rhamadiansyah

iOS Developer


My background is in aerospace design and manufacture, but currently I'm interested in iOS Developer. The excitement of building something that's useful for communities spark my interest in iOS Development, but the open source culture and the technology that's rapidly changing cement my love in this field. Now I am looking for a new challenges iOS Development world.


Sholat Widget

Sholat Widget is an app that tells users today's prayer schedule. Its main feature is using the iOS 14 widget to conveys information to the user.

It's main feature is using iOS 14 widget to show prayer's schedule to users. Other feature such as prayer notification, and location services to get accurate prayer schedule


Didik is a material sharing platform on iPadOS that help teacher to make a student-centered class by sharing, making and getting references from the other teacher.

iOS Developer

Handled request data from the server, created both UI and functionality in Home View, like requesting data from firebase, filtering, and searching data, Collaborate with teams using git.


StockIn is an app where you can learn fundamental analysis, by simulation game immersed with bottom-up curriculum.

iOS Developer

Handled Front End development using SwiftUI. Collaborate with teams using git.


Hansip run is a simple retro-styled 2d side-scrolling platform game where you must scream to win!

Hansip run uses your microphone to convert your scream to action. The louder you scream, the higher your character jump!

iOS Developer | UI designer

Handled building spriteKit framework and creating 2d sprite assets and animation. Collaborate with teams using git.


Masaku is an app that provides planner to schedule meals for several days for homemakers by selecting the meals each day based on category and they will received the list of ingredients to cook for their plan.

Project Manager | iOS Developer

Manages team schedules, and focused the team on the task at hand.
Handled Front End Development using Autolayout and collaborate with teams using git.


COFIT is an app to help users to turn spare time to be productive by doing the Workout Challenge. This project is based on the challenge “Daily Life”

iOS Developer

Implement Core Data in read and write user's apps usage history.